
Rain, Leaks, Tornadoes, and Sump Pumps

After being hit with a tornado on Friday many homes and businesses (like our office) had some structural damages and leaks – the worst of it was obvious but you could have additional issues not yet discovered.

During the heavy rain today here is what you need watch for:

  1. Check the ceiling in the top floor of your home and look for leaks and water spots – this could signify that you have some damage to your roof top that may not have previously shown.
  2. Check for water marks along the walls and windows sills to verify the seals are still good and there are no cracks in the walls that are leaking
  3. Inspect your sump pump (if you have one) – we are having a large volume of water run off this morning so verify the pump is working to prevent flooding in the basement
  4. Inspect your floor drain in the basement – if there is no water coming up you are good.

Through out the day just do a visual check a few times as water can be slow to leak and seep into cracks if the cracks are really small.

If you have any questions or issues please feel free to give us a call 613-224-0041 – and we will be glad to personally assist you.

You can also leave a message for us on our website if you prefer email or texting online.

Wishing you and your family a safe and dry day today!

Kay Francis

and the entire Francis Plumbing Heating & Cooling Family Team


Proudly Serving Ottawa since 1933 – your plumbing, heating, air conditioning, water heating, water purification, and so much more specialist! When it comes to your home – we got you covered!